I just love fresh starts. I’ve set my intentions for this new year; I just need to get them all down on paper. Like last year, I have chosen a word to guide me.
My word for 2014 is CLEAR.
Merriam-Webster defines clear as an adjective, meaning very obvious, not causing or allowing doubt, easily understood, free from doubt or confusion. Clear also means untroubled, serene, and clean, pure.
And that is why clear is my word. I’m not allowing doubt to get in my way this year. My memoir will be finished soon and I am anxious to get it into the hands of prospective publishers. But my word applies to more than just my writing life. I am clearing my home of clutter. I am cleaning up my attitude. My intentions are obvious. It’s time to start living the untroubled life that I know is out there.
Like the clear water of a peaceful river, I will be continuing toward my goals.
Please visit http://christinekane.com/word/ for a copy of the Your Word of the Year Discovery Tool. Christine Kane is an amazing woman that gives away this tool just because she wants everyone to “live authentically, courageously, and successfully.”