Hello dear friends. It’s been a long time since I wrote to you and I’d like to explain.
Life got in the way. We’ve been busy battling (and not always winning) health issues. I changed jobs and went from being a know-it-all to a student of everything. It took me six months to learn to love my new position and I’m still in training! New friends have stepped into the picture, joining the old friends that I will never let go of. Kids have boomeranged home and out again.
But the biggest reason for avoiding my blog is because I didn’t have any news to share with you.
Until now.
My memoir is finally finished. And all it took was thousands of hours at the computer, countless revisions, dozens of critique group meetings, a handful of meltdowns, thirteen beta readers, two lengthy legal discussions, and gallons of blood, sweat, and tears.
Finished is such a strong word. I’ll always find something I think can be improved upon. But I’m working on the proposal I’m going to send to the agents that requested them (and for the agents that don’t know they want it yet). My query letter just needs polishing. I’m pitching to another agent on Friday.
More to come…