Preparing for Success

on August 9, 2015 in My memoir, Writing

Every experience is valuable. Even if the outcome is different than your expectations, there is always something to be learned so that you can be more successful next time.

IMG_1947A few weeks ago, I participated in the Payson Book Festival with approximately 60 other authors.  The planning committee was hoping at least 300 people would show up.  I never heard a final total, but by mid afternoon, more than 500 people had walked through the gate.

This was my first event as an author.  I was nervous.  But I wasn’t alone.  I was sharing a table with other authors from the Scottsdale Society of Women Writers, the local writing group I belong to.  That helped ease my fears; some of them had done this before.

It was a long day.  I met many wonderful people.  I watched other authors and looked at their books and displays.  I even sold a few books and won a book basket in one of the raffles.

Without a doubt, I will participate in this event again next year.  But while I thought I was prepared, I didn’t sell as many copies as I thought I would.  So, I took the time and energy to pay attention to what was working for the successful participants.

  • Presentation – book displays, signs/banners, take-aways, promotional materials
  • Taking advantage of opportunities – radio interviews, engaging everyone who walks up to your table
  • Gimmicks – a unique hat, unusual table decorations, friends in the crowd wearing book promoting t-shirts
  • Payment options – have the correct change, accept debit & credit cards

I am excited for my next event.  I have a lot to do so that I am prepared for success.


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