Have a beautiful day!

on August 31, 2011 in Musings

Most people say, “Have a nice day.”  Some go a little further with, “Have a great day!”  I often wonder if they are saying it out of habit or because they really want things to go well for you.

One drizzly morning, as I pulled up to the Starbucks drive-thru, I was greeted by a bright smile and a cheerful “It’s a beautiful morning!”  I agreed; I love the rain.  Living here in Arizona, we don’t see much of it, so I treasure every bit, from the shower of sprinkles that sticks the dust to the car, to the violent storms with their awesome light shows and thunderous applause.

All through that day, I kept thinking about that short conversation as I listened to my co-workers grumble about the weather.  There aren’t any windows near my cubicle, so I kept walking to the door to check on the sky.  The rain eventually stopped, the sun chased the clouds away, and the parking lot simply danced with sparkles!  Every rain drop on every car reflected the sunshine and the effect was dazzling.  The moisture had removed the pollution from the air and you could see everything in perfect detail.

Later that week, all traces of moisture were gone.  The vibrant weeds that had appeared the day after the storm had since withered and dropped their now faded blossoms.  The wind felt like sandpaper; the air was thick with dust.  As the sun headed for the horizon, the sky became an artist’s inspiration.  Puffy clouds of orange and pink posed before a backdrop of red, purple, and blue, streaked with the last golden rays of sunshine.  The mountains stood proudly, supporting the weight of the rainbow sky on their black silhouettes.

So, if I tell you to have a beautiful day, I mean it.  It’s okay to take the time to look for the good; I promise you will find it.  And if you need help, just ask.  I’d love to show you the world though my eyes.

Have a beautiful day!

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