This first week has just flown by. Plagued by family drama, it has been easy to procrastinate writing in my blog. The two week break from school is over and as I find myself planted in front of the computer, I am shamed into writing a quick post.
I love fresh starts. Sunday morning is designed to start that new healthy diet. The first of the month is perfect for a new journal. But the New Year is my best incentive to make changes. So what if I’m not starting my New Year on 1/1/2012? Today is just as good. No, today is better. Because I am committed.
Every year I pick one word that describes where I want to focus my time and energy. The idea came from Christine Kane, a singer-songwriter and Mentor to Women Who are Changing the World. Her website is
Picking a Word of the Year has proven more effective for me than making a handful of New Year Resolutions. I always felt like my resolutions were unrealistic. But it was easy to make an ambitious goal. Lose 50 pounds. Organize the house. Save the world.
Instead of setting myself up to fail, I now pick a word to guide me. I focus on my word, using affirmations to make it my truth. If you aren’t familiar with affirmations, please visit Louise Hay is an author, a motivational speaker, and probably the most well-known self-help philosopher in the world today. I have many of her books and CDs, and I consider her to be a guiding light on my path of life.
A couple of years ago, my word was VALUE. I was struggling with accepting my self worth. Just a few weeks into the year, I noticed my word starting to pop-up all over the place. From magazine covers to the shelves at the grocery, and even on a billboard just across the California border, VALUE was everywhere. I took each viewing of the word as a personal message to me.
I bought myself a locket (shaped like a book) and printed ‘of value’ in Sanskrit to put inside. I taped positive sayings regarding self-worth on my mirror, where I would stand every morning and repeat my affirmations. I still wear the locket often, to remind me of my own worth and the journey I took to learn it.
And now we are one week into 2012. My year of COMPLETION. The dictionary defines completion as conclusion and/or fulfillment. To me, completion means to finish and to accomplish.
So this is the year that I will finish what I start. I will not start too many projects at once, because I am determined to complete one before I start another. This is the year that I will finish my memoir.
2012 is going to be busy, but rewarding. and I am ready.