Every writer needs a place they can sit down and get the words out. I used our dining table for years, but I never stopped asking for my own space. So, my husband eventually built me a beautiful desk. He listened as I told him what I wanted and the result is exquisite.
The window above my desk faces west. I do most of my writing in the wee morning hours, so the afternoon Arizona sun isn’t a problem.
I do wish it wasn’t in the family room. The kitchen is just to the left of this picture, complete with a cutout over the sink that used to be a window into the back patio, but we turned the patio into the family room when we remodeled. It still beats sitting at the kitchen table!
Tim hung a bulletin board for me to keep my visual aids and notes where I could see them. Writing my memoir has been difficult because of the time that has passed and having pictures right in front of me really helps.
I love my desk… perhaps too much.
If I’m not at work, I’m either sleeping or at my wonderful desk. It is my favorite place to be. Sadly, it currently looks like a hoarder’s warning.
Since our fire, I’ve been better about not adding to the mess, but I haven’t taken much time to remove existing clutter. That’s the project for this weekend (in addition to the usual homework, shopping, housekeeping, and quality time with my wonderful husband).
Happy Writing!